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AML Compliance as a Service

RegLab offers you support and guidance regarding your AML policy. For training, risk profiles, policy plans, assistance with audits as well as checking and completing files. Our team of compliance specialists is ready to help.

The key to an honest working method

Implementing an AML policy in your office is not a job to 'do in between'. What are the guidelines and standards exactly and what is expected of you during an audit? 

With the AML support from RegLab, expect an efficient approach and implementation. Our specialists take everything off your hands and take the initiative in all areas to comply with the AML. 


What are the options?

After a short conversation, it quickly becomes clear to us where improvements can still be made. RegLab will then guide you in applying these improvements. Our compliance specialist can take over some parts or the entire process, ensuring you a good approach and execution.

Outsourcing (fully or partially)

RegLab offers complete support and guidance around your AML policy. We take initiative in all necessary areas so that your firm is AML compliant. Moreover, we act as an external enquiry point for all your questions on AML compliance. Perfect for offices looking for temporary or specialised compliance support.


Quality check (monthly)

Periodic checks guarantee compliant files that match your office policy. Ideal for offices looking to catch up or to check their existing files.

Audit (annual, bi-annual or tri-annual)

Are you sure you are implementing the AML policy correctly? Hand over the preparation for the regulator's investigation. It will save you time. Especially for offices that want to know where they stand and where any points of attention or recommendations lie.

Help with specific items

A risk analysis and office policy are the starting point of the AML process. Did you know that a regulator will first ask about these components during an audit? We offer help with each of the following items:

  • Conduct risk analysis/ determine risk appetite;
  • Drafting office policies;
  • Review/update office policies;
  • Drafting a privacy statement;
  • AML training courses.
AML support subscription

Instead of one-time support, it is also possible to opt for a monthly subscription. What the fee is? That depends on the type and level of support. We will, of course, quickly provide you with an overview of the costs involved. Feel free to contact us.

RegLab’s AML support in a nutshell

Daily helpdesk
You will receive a quick and adequate answer to all your questions, big and small. 

Drafting policy
You will receive support from our AML consultants in drafting a risk analysis and AML policy.

Periodic health checks
You will receive periodic checks of your policy and files. You are guaranteed that your policies and procedures are screened by professionals.

Your extra check
We take a critical look, based on the latest guidelines, with you. The quality of files improves, and you comply with the four-eyes principle.

Drawing up risk profiles
Not only do our qualified consultants prepare risk profiles. They also give substance to the risk qualification. Basically, when does a file fall into a certain category and how to act.

Management information
You will periodically receive extensive and clear reports about everything that is going on internally in terms of compliance. You get first-hand advice for improvement because we continuously engage in dialogues with the supervisors.

Help with audits
You outsource the preparation for the investigation of the supervisor. This saves you time, while an audit is conducted much more smoothly.

We provide workshops and training to your employees. Together we work on positive compliance acceptance.

Frequently asked questions about Compliance as a Service 

Can I get the compliance service without the application?

Can I have an occasional audit or quality check done by RegLab?

The supervisor comes to our firm, how can the compliance services of RegLab help me?

What does an AML training look like?

Can Compliance as a Services help me identify and assess AML risks?

How is an AML policy drafted?

What is the difference between a quality check and an audit?

What specific topics are covered during an audit?

What specific topics are covered during a quality check?

More information?

Would you like to use our compliance services? Or would you like more information? Feel free to contact us.

You can schedule an appointment yourself at the date and time that suits you best.

After confirming the appointment, you will receive the details of the meeting. It will take place via Microsoft Teams. 


Fully prepared for supervisory inspection?

Do you want to be guaranteed 100% AML proof and ready for a visit from the regulator? Download the checklist.
