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RegLab for notaries

AML compliance without any time-consuming work processes

As a notary, you identify all parties involved in a deed. You are extra alert to the third-party funds scheme and origin of assets. It is your job to question critically and to ensure a detailed recording of any supporting documentation.

How do you meet all this without disrupting the relationship of trust with clients? How do you question your clients without making them feel uncomfortable? RegLab helps with risk analysis, policy and offers you the right software to automate the AML process. Not you, but the application will take care of the onboarding process. This will help objectify client acceptance.

This makes the onboarding process much more comfortable. For you and for your client as well. Because you digitally streamline all work required under the AML, you also have more time left for other matters, such as substantive notarial work and client interaction.

AML module

This module is more than a simple 'check the box'. It is a well-thought-out workflow, which ensures that you are 100% compliant.

AML module

Comprehensive screening

RegLab checks and informs you about all PEPs, adverse media, watchlists and sanction and high-risk country lists.

Sanction and high-risk countries check

Origin of funds

For financial transactions that are subject to the AML, you must investigate the origin of the funds. RegLab takes this work off your hands, 100% accurately and fully automated.

Origin of funds

Capture & Investigate Risk Profiles

Risk profiles are automatically identified and continuously monitored. Any escalations, actions and investigations are recorded.

Capturing _ Investigating Risk Profiles

Getting started within a week

Do you want to get started with RegLab in the short term? For instance, because the supervisor will be conducting an audit soon? You will be up and running within a week.

Getting started within a week

These firms preceded you:

Euregio Law & Tax
Pinsent Masons
Baker McKenzie
Vissers Legal

Testimonials —

Hamelink &
Van den Tooren

“We were not criticized by the regulator during an audit.”

— Read more

Testimonials —

Greenberg Traurig, LLP

"A good AML policy provides a clear explanation of what you have investigated."

— Read more